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There’s a subtle line between loving attention and craving validation.

As Hack Spirit’s founder and a mindfulness enthusiast, I’ve delved deep into the psychology of human behavior. And one thing I’ve discovered is that some women, beneath their strong exteriors, yearn for male approval.

This isn’t about being weak or dependent. It’s a complex interplay of self-esteem, societal pressures, and personal desires.

In this article, I’m going to unravel the eight subtle signs that indicate a woman is seeking male validation. It’s not about pointing fingers but understanding behaviors to foster better connections.

Stay tuned for these psychological insights that could help you comprehend and navigate your relationships better.

1) Constant need for reassurance

It’s human to need reassurance. But when a woman seeks constant affirmation from men, it’s often a sign of craving male validation.

This behavior might surface as a need for compliments, approval, or even just attention. Psychologically, it’s an attempt to fill a gap of self-esteem or self-worth.

Remember, it’s not about shaming or blaming. It’s about understanding the intricate web of emotions and societal pressures that lead to such behaviors.

As Carl Jung, the famous psychologist once said, “The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.” Recognizing these behaviors is a step towards acceptance and change.

2) Over-compensating in interactions

I’ve seen this behavior firsthand. A friend of mine, let’s call her Lucy, was always the life of the party, especially when men were present.

She’d tell elaborate stories, crack jokes and even playfully spar with the guys, trying to match them stride for stride.

On the surface, it seemed like Lucy was just a confident, outgoing woman. But as I got to know her better, I realized this behavior was a way for her to seek validation from men.

She believed that if she didn’t stand out, she wouldn’t be noticed or appreciated. It was her way of ensuring she was valued and validated by the men around her.

Esteemed psychologist Abraham Maslow once said, “What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.” Recognizing these behaviors in ourselves or others is the first step towards that awareness and change.

3) Always putting others first

Selflessness is a virtue, but when a woman consistently prioritizes the needs and wants of men above her own, it’s indicative of a deep-seated need for male validation.

This behavior can often stem from the belief that if she doesn’t cater to their every need, she’ll be seen as less valuable or desirable. It’s a self-sacrificing mentality that can lead to burnout and resentment.

In my book, “Hidden Secrets of Buddhism: How To Live With Maximum Impact and Minimum Ego“, I delve into the ways we can maintain our individuality and sense of self while still caring for others. It’s about finding that balance so you’re not always putting yourself last.

Famous psychologist Sigmund Freud once said, “Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.” Recognizing these behaviors is the first step towards honesty with oneself and can lead to positive change.

4) Fear of confrontation

A common behavior among women who seek male validation is avoiding any form of confrontation or disagreement with men.

This often stems from a fear of upsetting or driving them away, leading to a loss of that sought-after validation.

Psychologically, this can be linked to a form of passive behavior or even conflict avoidance. These women may feel that their worth is tied to the level of harmony they maintain with men, and any disagreement threatens that harmony.

Practically speaking, it’s essential to remember that healthy relationships thrive on respectful disagreements. It’s perfectly okay to have and express different opinions.

Renowned psychologist Albert Ellis once said, “The art of love is largely the art of persistence.”

In this context, it means persisting in expressing oneself honestly, even when it may lead to confrontation. This is key to maintaining one’s self-worth and not relying on external validation.

5) Over-analyzing interactions

This one might seem counter-intuitive. After all, isn’t it a good thing to reflect on your social interactions?

While introspection is indeed healthy, over-analyzing every conversation or interaction with men is a sign of seeking their validation.

It’s as if these women are constantly on the lookout for signs of approval or disapproval, desperately trying to decode their worth from these interactions.

This behavior is rooted in a deep-seated fear of rejection or disapproval, leading to an obsession with decoding every word, gesture, or look from men.

As renowned psychologist Carl Rogers put it, “The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.”

Recognizing this behavior is the first step in learning and changing towards self-validation and self-love.

6) Seeking perfection

Striving for excellence is commendable, but a constant pursuit of perfection, especially in the eyes of men, can be a sign of craving male validation.

This could manifest as an obsession with physical appearance or an incessant drive to be the perfect partner, friend, or colleague. It’s an exhausting quest for a flawless image that’s impossible to maintain.

The underlying psychology is often a fear of not being ‘good enough’ as they are, leading to this relentless chase for perfection.

Famed psychologist Albert Bandura once said, “In order to succeed, people need a sense of self-efficacy, to struggle together with resilience to meet the inevitable obstacles and inequities of life.” Accepting our flaws and recognizing our worth is the first step towards this sense of self-efficacy and resilience.

7) Need for constant communication

Have you ever found yourself constantly checking your phone, waiting for that one message?

It’s a nerve-wracking experience. This need for constant communication from men can be a sign of craving their validation.

It’s not just about staying connected; it’s an affirmation of their interest and approval. A single ‘seen’ message without a reply can spiral into a whirlwind of self-doubt and anxiety.

Psychology suggests this behavior often stems from insecurity and a need for constant reassurance. It’s important to remember that our worth is not determined by the frequency of messages on our screens.

As the renowned psychologist William James said, “The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.”

Recognizing this behavior can lead to an attitude shift towards self-confidence and independence.

8) Downplaying achievements

Women who crave male validation often downplay their personal and professional achievements.

They may feel that their accomplishments will intimidate men or make them seem less desirable.

This behavior is rooted in the societal stereotype that men should be the ‘achievers’ and women the ‘supporters.’

It’s a misconception that can lead to women undermining their own successes in an attempt to maintain male approval.

It’s important to remember that true validation comes from within and our achievements are something to be proud of, not hidden away.

As famous psychologist Erik Erikson said, “In the social jungle of human existence, there is no feeling of being alive without a sense of identity.” Embracing our achievements strengthens our identity and self-worth.

Final thoughts: It’s about self-love

As we navigate the maze of human behavior, it’s essential to remember that we’re all shaped by a myriad of influences – societal pressures, personal experiences, and yes, even our own psychology.

These subtle behaviors of women seeking male validation are not signs of weakness or neediness. They are manifestations of a deep-seated yearning for acceptance and affirmation.

Halfway into my book, “Hidden Secrets of Buddhism: How To Live With Maximum Impact and Minimum Ego“, I speak about the importance of self-love and acceptance. It’s about finding our inner strength and recognizing our worth, independent of external validation.

As we close this discussion, let’s reflect on the words of renowned psychologist Carl Rogers: “The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”

Embrace who you are, celebrate your achievements, express your opinions without fear. After all, the most important validation comes from within. Remember, you are enough just as you are.

The post 8 subtle behaviors of women who deep down crave male validation, according to psychology appeared first on Small Business Bonfire.

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