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Navigating relationships can be challenging, especially when toxicity seeps in.

And one of the major sources of this toxicity? Narcissism.

As a psychologist, I’ve seen how narcissists have a knack for belittling their partners, often in subtle ways that can be easy to miss.

But once you recognize these toxic phrases, you’re one step closer to understanding the reality of your situation.

In my experience, there are seven key phrases that toxic narcissists frequently use to demean their partners.

Allow me to share these with you, in the hope that they’ll serve as red flags to anyone who might be in a similar situation.

In this article, we’ll delve into these nine subtle phrases used by toxic narcissists.

1) “You’re too sensitive”

In the world of toxic narcissism, this phrase is a classic.

It’s a subtle way for narcissists to invalidate their partners’ feelings and experiences.

Rather than addressing the issue at hand, they divert the focus onto the reaction it elicited. The underlying message? Your emotional response is the problem, not their action or words.

It’s a sneaky tactic, really. It places the blame squarely on you, rather than where it belongs – on their disrespectful behavior.

This phrase is designed to make you question your emotional responses and feel guilty for having them.

But remember, everyone has a right to their emotions. If you frequently hear this phrase, know that it’s not about your sensitivity. It’s a tool used by toxic narcissists to belittle and control you.

2) “I was just joking”

Ever heard of gaslighting? It’s a psychological manipulation tactic where a person tries to make you doubt your own perception of reality.

And guess what? This phrase is a prime example of gaslighting in action.

When a toxic narcissist uses this phrase, they’re usually trying to dismiss their hurtful comment or action as something light-hearted or harmless.

But here’s the thing – it rarely is.

If you’ve been hurt or offended, and they respond with, “I was just joking,” it’s a clear sign they’re trying to manipulate you into thinking you’re overreacting.

The aim? To escape accountability for their words and actions, while subtly undermining your confidence in your own judgment.

And that’s the real kicker: it’s not about the joke; it’s about the manipulation.

3) “No one else thinks that”

Ironically, right after making you question your reactions as overreactions, a toxic narcissist might pull out this phrase.

This phrase is another manipulation tactic, and it’s designed to isolate you. The narcissist is implying that your viewpoint or feelings are not shared by others – an attempt to make you feel alone in your thoughts.

This is counter-intuitive because it’s not about whether others share your view. It’s about your partner respecting your perspective and feelings, even if they don’t agree with them.

But narcissists twist this into a popularity contest, aiming to make you feel out of sync with everyone else.

The truth is, it’s not a matter of how many people share your view, but that your feelings are valid and should be respected.

4) “You always ruin everything”

Ever wonder why you’re always the one to blame?

It’s no accident. Toxic narcissists use phrases like “You always ruin everything” to deflect blame and responsibility.

Here’s the catch – it’s not about your actions, but their refusal to own up to their mistakes.

This phrase is designed to make you feel like the wrongdoer, even when you’re not. It’s a way for them to maintain an image of perfection, while subtly implying that you’re the flawed one.

Everyone makes mistakes, and it’s not fair or healthy for one person to always carry the blame.

5) “If you really loved me, you’d…”

This phrase is a hallmark of emotional manipulation. It’s not just a request for something; it’s a test of your love and commitment.

A toxic narcissist might use this phrase to push you into:

Changing a belief or value
Doing something you’re uncomfortable with
Choosing them over someone or something else

In reality, these demands have nothing to do with love. It’s about control and having things their way.

Love is not about passing tests or meeting unreasonable demands. It’s about respect, understanding, and mutual acceptance.

6) “I’m the only one who really cares about you”

This phrase hits close to home. It’s designed to make you feel dependent on the narcissist, and to isolate you from other support systems.

In my experience as a psychologist, I’ve seen how this can lead to a sense of loneliness and dependency in the victim.

But let’s be clear – this isn’t about caring or protecting. It’s about control.

We all have various people in our lives who genuinely care for us, and it’s unhealthy for one person to monopolize your emotional well-being.

A true partner will encourage your relationships with others, not try to cut you off from them.

7) “You’d be nothing without me”

Imagine this: you’re feeling proud of an accomplishment, and your partner responds with, “You’d be nothing without me.”

How would that make you feel? Devalued? Diminished?

Toxic narcissists use this phrase to belittle your achievements and make you feel dependent on them. It’s a way for them to maintain control and boost their own ego.

But ask yourself, is it really true? Would you truly be nothing without them?

The reality is, your achievements are yours alone. You worked hard for them, and no one has the right to take that away from you.

8) “You’re lucky I put up with you”

This one is particularly insidious. It’s designed to make you feel grateful for their ‘tolerance’ and to undermine your self-worth.

Years ago, I had a client who was constantly told this by her partner. It ate away at her self-esteem until she truly believed she was lucky to have him – despite his constant belittlement and disrespect.

But here’s the truth: No one should feel ‘lucky’ to be in a relationship where they’re not valued and respected.

You deserve a partner who appreciates you for who you are, not someone who makes you feel like they’re doing you a favor by being with you. Remember, love is not about enduring disrespect; it’s about mutual respect and care.

9) “You’re imagining things”

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, is the phrase “You’re imagining things.”

This is another classic example of gaslighting, aimed at making you doubt your own perceptions and feelings.

Narcissists use this phrase to dismiss your concerns or feelings as figments of your imagination. It’s a way for them to escape accountability and maintain control.

However, remember this: Your feelings and experiences are valid. They’re real. And no one has the right to make you question that reality.

So, what can you do now?

If you recognize any of these phrases from your own relationship, it might be time to take a step back and reassess.

Reach out to a trusted friend or family member and share your experiences.
Consider seeking professional help, such as a psychologist or counselor, who can provide guidance and support.
Remember to practice self-care. Your mental and emotional health is important.

Recognizing these subtle phrases is the first step towards understanding the dynamics of your relationship. It can be tough to face the reality, but remember – you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness.

You are not alone in this journey.

The post 9 subtle phrases toxic narcissists use to belittle their partners, says a psychologist appeared first on Small Business Bonfire.

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