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Bonfire Rating: 4.6/5

Onpipeline is perfect for startups and SMBs looking to ramp up their sales game!


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Tons of Workflow Automation

Customizable Pipeline Management

Powerful Reporting & Analytics


Having a CRM for a small business isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity.

Imagine this: leads are slipping through the cracks as tracking all your client interactions in your inbox becomes a nightmare. Now you’re missing out on potential sales due to delayed follow-ups.

I’m AJ, and I used to think I could handle everything on my own (until I realized the need for a CRM).

Since then, I’ve grown and sold my business for a seven-figure exit (using almost every CRM along the way).

Now, I’m here to help you avoid the same mistakes. My mission with Small Business Bonfire (SBB) is simple: to help your business succeed (without repeating the same pitfalls).

So let’s talk about one of my favorite CRMs to recommend to small businesses—Onpipeline CRM. We took a deep dive into everything the platform offers (so you don’t have to).

Let’s dive in!

Check out our comprehensive list of the best CRM for Small Business when you’re finished!

You Can Trust Small Business Bonfire

The Small Business Bonfire team and I have been rating and reviewing business software for over a decade to help you (our Bonfire Nation) start & scale your ideas. For more info on how we conduct our testing, please read this article here. 

What is Onpipeline CRM (Customer Relationship Management)?

Onpipeline is a cloud-based sales CRM designed for small businesses and startups looking to streamline their sales process.

Unlike other CRM systems, Onpipeline doesn’t aim to be everything to everyone.

Instead, it focuses on doing one thing exceptionally well—helping you manage your customer relationships (from the first point of contact to post-sales).

With its intuitive user interface (UI), robust sales data analytics, and affordable pricing, Onpipeline is a powerful tool that any startup will find invaluable.

Some features Onpipeline offers are the following:

Customizable pipeline managementWorkflow automationContact managementLead managementEmail sync & templates

Onpipeline is great for small and midsize businesses (SMBs) looking to get up and running fast without breaking the bank.

Don’t just take our word for it—check out what we discovered from our three months of testing.

Pros and Cons of the Onpipeline CRM

To provide full transparency, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of Onpipeline.

Onpipeline CRM Pros

Onpipeline CRM Cons

Who is Onpipeline CRM Best Suited For?

Onpipeline CRM has many useful applications, but let’s narrow it down a little.

Here’s who we think Onpipeline is best suited for:

Small businesses – Onpipeline is perfect for small businesses due to its affordable price point, simple UI, and pipeline customization.Medium-sized businesses – We recommend Onpipeline for medium-sized businesses looking to automate recurring tasks, manage sales contacts and activities, and onboard team members with ease.Startups – Onpipeline is tailor-made for startups that don’t need all the frills of a more advanced CRM. The price is better than most of the competition, plus the 30-day free trial means you can test the platform before committing with your wallet.Sales Teams – For sales teams, Onpipeline is fantastic. It offers comprehensive contact and lead management capabilities and features like activity tracking and scheduling. These facilitate coordination among team members and ensure no important tasks fall by the wayside.

Who is Onpipeline CRM Not Suited For?

Nobody’s perfect, and that goes for CRM systems too.

Here are some situations where we think Onpipeline is not particularly well suited:

Large enterprises – Onpipeline might not be the best fit for larger companies with complex needs and workflows. While it does offer a solid range of features, it lacks some of the more advanced options that a larger enterprise might need.Marketing agencies – Marketing agencies might find Onpipeline a bit lacking. Yes, it does a fantastic job with sales and CRM, but when it comes to advanced marketing features like A/B testing, landing page creation, or powerful marketing automation, Onpipeline doesn’t quite hit the mark.

Onpipeline CRM Software Pricing

Onpipeline CRM offers four pricing plans.

They are as follows:

Pipeline – $12/monthStandard – $25/monthAdvanced – $49/monthEnterprise – Custom pricing

How Does Onpipeline CRM Pricing Compare?

Now, with the pricing plans of Onpipeline CRM laid out, let’s see how it stacks up against its competition.

We’ll compare it with some of the top contenders on the market (in terms of pricing and features).

Onpipeline – $12/month per user

No free planMultiple pipelinesPipeline customizationCustom fieldsGreat contact management

HubSpot – $50/month, 2 users

Free plan1 sales pipeline with the basic planLimited pipeline customizationCustom fieldsGreat contact management

Pipedrive – $14.90/month per user

No free planMultiple pipelinesPipeline customizationCustom fieldsGreat contact management

Pipeline – $25/month per user

No free plan1 sales pipeline with the basic planPipeline customizationCustom fieldsGreat contact management

Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, and it’s important to understand how Onpipeline measures against them.

In terms of cost, the clear winner here is Onpipeline at just $12/month. Now let’s move on to features.

The only one that comes close is Pipedrive, as Pipeline and HubSpot offer only one pipeline with the basic plan.

However, we found Onpipeline easier to use (and more customizable) than Pipedrive. As a result, Onpipeline wins when it comes to features as well.

Onpipeline CRM Pricing Tips

Free Trial
One of the major advantages of Onpipeline CRM is its generous 30-day free trial. This allows you to fully explore the platform and get a feel for how it works before making any financial commitments. With this trial, you can test out all the features and functionalities that Onpipeline CRM offers, making it easier to determine if it’s the right fit for your business.

Onpipeline CRM Core Features

Customizable Pipelines

Onpipeline allows you to create multiple pipelines and tailor them to your unique workflow.

This makes it easier for your team to do the following:

Stay organizedPrioritize tasksIncrease salesClose deals more efficiently

We started testing the customization capabilities of Onpipeline by creating a pipeline called “Affiliate Marketing Partnerships.”

We’ll walk you through the process.

We simply clicked “new pipeline” and then named it to get started.

From there, we were able to create and name as many stages as we liked (shown below).

We created the following pipeline stages in just a few seconds:

ProspectContact madeProposal sentNegotiationDeal wonDeal lost

And that was it! We think Onpipeline is fantastic for SMBs that need to customize and manage multiple pipelines simultaneously.

Check out our pipeline once we had some affiliate marketing deals put in.

As you can see, Onpipeline keeps it sleek, customizable, and lets you track deals like a boss—what’s not to love?

Contact Management

Managing customer relationships is one of the linchpins of a successful business, and Onpipeline CRM excels in this area.

Onpipeline’s contact management feature provides a centralized database (with unlimited storage) where you can easily view the following:

Contact informationRelated activitiesAttached filesNotes about the customer

You can also create custom fields to view more detailed customer data at a glance.

We started by adding some of our B2B affiliate marketing contacts at Small Business Bonfire.

Here’s how it looked (to give you a better idea).

We simply filled out the following fields (and we were in business):

Full nameEmailPhone numberOrganization

Throughout our testing, we were constantly blown away by how easy Onpipeline was to use.

Just look at our contact dashboard, where everything is clearly laid out and easy to understand at a glance.

Put simply, Onpipeline makes it effortless to stay on top of all your customer relationships and identify opportunities for improvement.

We give it a 10/10 in terms of contact management.

Workflow Automation

Automation is the (not so) secret weapon to scaling your business.

Onpipeline CRM truly shines when it comes to automating your entire sales workflow.

This robust platform allows you to set up custom triggers and actions based on specific customer behaviors or data points.

This allows you to automate the following:

Follow-up emailTask creationDeal stage progressionUser assignmentNotifications

For instance, we created an automation that sent a follow-up email two days after a prospect was moved to our pipeline’s “Proposal Sent” stage.

Once we set up this automation, Onpipeline took care of the rest! It automatically sent follow-up emails, allowing our sales team to focus on more high-value tasks (like closing deals and building relationships).

Here’s how the setup went.

We navigated to the automation section (in account settings).

To our surprise, we were offered some helpful templates (shown below) to help us get started.

We love when a CRM system provides automation templates, as it can be a complex process (especially for beginners).

We chose the “send email” template (screenshot below).

Then, we completed the following simple steps:

Named the ruleSelected the actionChose a pipelineSet the conditionsCreated the follow-up email

The whole process took less than 5 minutes and saved us countless hours of typing out emails.

Using Onpipeline’s automations was like going from a manual typewriter to a high-end laptop—it made everything so much easier.

Lead Management

Are you looking to empower your sales team while simultaneously revamping your sales process across the board?

Well, look no further than Onpipeline!

Onpipeline CRM’s lead management capabilities are top-notch, offering a set of features designed to help you nurture, score, and track leads effectively.

We tested Onpipeline’s lead management tools for three months, and here’s what we found:

Lead nurturing: Onpipeline takes a personalized approach to lead nurturing. It allowed us to create targeted email campaigns and follow-ups that resonated with our prospects. We could tailor our communications based on a lead’s behavior or interaction with us, fostering a relationship more likely to result in a successful conversion.Lead scoring: Say goodbye to guesswork with Onpipeline’s lead scoring feature. This tool enabled us to assign a numerical value to each lead based on specific criteria such as their engagement level, demographic information, and purchase history. By doing so, we could swiftly identify which leads were most likely to convert (and deserved our team’s immediate attention).Lead tracking: Onpipeline kept us in the loop with comprehensive lead tracking features. It enabled us to monitor each lead interaction (through web forms), from initial contact through conversion. This included tracking emails, calls, website visits, and more. The data provided some great insights into each lead’s interests and behaviors, helping us tailor our approach for maximum effect.

Email Sync & Templates

Onpipeline CRM is a surprisingly great email marketing platform, allowing you to manage both personal and team emails from one central place.

We tested this feature (over three months), and spoiler alert—it was a game-changer.

The Email Sync feature allows you to seamlessly integrate your business email, making it a breeze to reach out to your clients from the comfort of your CRM platform.

It keeps all team members on the same page, ensuring everyone is updated and on track.

We took advantage of Onpipeline’s email template creation feature to make the email process even more efficient.

This enabled us to create and send out standardized yet personalized emails to our clients with just a few clicks, saving us tons of time and effort.

We created a template called “Bonfire Field Guide Intro” to spread the word about our newsletter, a valuable resource designed to help SMBs scale their business from the ground up.

Here’s a sneak peek of the template during the creation process.

At the end of the day, the ability to sync your email accounts and create helpful templates not only helps streamline your communication with clients but also ensures that your team stays well-coordinated, efficient, and productive.

Talk about a win-win!

Reporting & Analytics

Data is the key to unlocking insights and driving decision-making, and Onpipeline CRM doesn’t fall short in this department.

The platform’s reporting and analytics feature is like a crystal ball, offering an at-a-glance view of your sales activities, performance, and trends.

The CRM system provides the ability to create custom reports, allowing you to track and measure a wide spectrum of metrics.

These include the following:

DashboardSales ReportSales ForecastForecast By ProductLost DealsDeals OpenedActive SubscriptionsNew SubscriptionsEnded SubscriptionsEventsEvents Completed

Whew! Talk about comprehensive.

Let’s look at our sales forecast for this month to give you an idea of what we’re talking about.

We especially liked how we could clearly see which sales team members were responsible for closing which deals.

This kind of comprehensive data collection and analysis is nothing short of a dream (only you don’t have to wake up from it).

What are the Limitations of Onpipeline CRM?

While Onpipeline is a great CRM, it’s not without its limitations.

They include the following:

No mobile app – Onpipeline doesn’t have a mobile app, which can make it difficult to access the platform on the go.No free plan – Onpipeline doesn’t offer a free plan, which can be a barrier to entry for companies with tight budgets.No advanced marketing features – Despite offering some basic email marketing capabilities, Onpipeline doesn’t have any advanced marketing features (such as A/B testing or customer segmentation).

Onpipeline CRM Integrations

Onpipeline understands the need for seamless collaboration and integration with other platforms that businesses commonly use.

It comes with a handful of basic integrations that we thought were awesome.

Here are a few noteworthy ones:

MailChimp: Perfect for your email marketing needs, Onpipeline’s integration with MailChimp allows you to manage your email campaigns without switching between platforms.Zapier: This integration enables you to connect Onpipeline with thousands of other apps.Quickbooks: Say goodbye to manual data entry. With the Quickbooks integration, your financial data synchronizes with your CRM, ensuring accurate and up-to-date financial reports.JustCall: This phone system integration with JustCall makes it easy to manage sales directly from Onpipeline. It provides functionalities such as click-to-call and automatic call recording.

These integrations help streamline your workflows, increase efficiency, and make your life a whole lot easier.

How to Get Started with Onpipeline CRM

Overall, onboarding with Onpipeline was pretty simple.

Let’s walk you through how it went for us.

For starters, we navigated to the homepage (shown below), where we were greeted with a bright green call to action (CTA) to start a free trial.

We took advantage of this 30-day free trial by filling out a form including the following:

Full nameCompany nameBusiness emailPassword

From there, we were in. It was just as easy as that!

We were taken to our dashboard, where we watched a short video to help us get started. Here’s how it looked from our perspective.

From there, we added our B2B affiliate marketing contacts, created deals, and tracked our sales like a boss!

Overall, onboarding with Onpipeline was fantastic. If we had to give it a rating, we’d say 10/10.

Is Onpipeline CRM Easy to Use?

Absolutely, Onpipeline CRM is incredibly easy to use, even for beginners.

Here’s why:

User-friendly interface: Onpipeline boasts a clean and intuitive interface. The layout is simple to navigate, and essential features are clearly marked, minimizing the learning curve for new users.Tutorial videos: Upon signing in, users are welcomed with brief tutorial videos. These videos offer step-by-step guidance on how to use the platform’s various features, making it even easier for beginners.Customizable dashboard: The dashboard is customizable, letting your sales reps tailor it to their specific needs. This further simplifies usage as users can choose to display only the information they find relevant.Automated processes: With Onpipeline’s automation feature, beginners can automate repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus more on sales and less on manual data entry.
Easy integration: Onpipeline easily integrates with other software, meaning even if you’re a beginner, you can quickly set up and connect it to your existing tools.

Onpipeline CRM Customer Service Review

While testing Onpipeline, we really didn’t have any issues that required customer support.

However, to test the response time, we shot them a quick question about Zapier integration and watched the clock.

The response time? About two hours—neither record-breaking nor tortoise-like.

But here’s the silver lining: we were able to find the answer to our question using their quite comprehensive knowledge base.

So, while you might not get instant gratification from their customer service team, their self-help resources are certainly up to par.

Does Onpipeline CRM Have a Mobile App?

Onpipeline CRM currently does not offer a mobile app.

In today’s smartphone era and remote work revolution, not having a mobile app for your CRM is a bit tricky.

After all—you don’t want to leave your users feeling stranded when they’re on the go!

This means that you’ll need to use your desktop or laptop to access the full functionalities of Onpipeline CRM.

While the website can still be accessed via a mobile web browser, the experience might not be as streamlined or convenient as a dedicated app.

We hope to see a mobile app in future updates from Onpipeline.

Onpipeline CRM Alternative Comparison

While Onpipeline CRM is great, it’s not the only option. Here are some alternatives that we love at SBB!

Is Onpipeline CRM Worth it for Small Business Owners?

In a nutshell, Onpipeline CRM is absolutely worth considering for small business owners.

This robust platform packs a punch with its impressive feature set, offering everything from contact management to automation to in-depth analytics.

It’s designed with small businesses in mind, focusing on ease of use and customizable features to accommodate various business needs.

For small businesses looking to streamline their sales processes and boost productivity, Onpipeline CRM definitely ticks all the boxes!

The post Onpipeline CRM Review 2023: Perfect Startup CRM appeared first on Small Business Bonfire.

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