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Are you an owner of a small-to-medium-sized business (SMB) feeling overwhelmed by the plethora of CRM solutions out there?

Have you found yourself stuck between choosing Agile CRM and EngageBay, unsure which one would best suit your business needs? You’re not alone.

I’m AJ, here to help. I’ve spent the last decade building my business to a successful multiple seven-figure exit.

Now, I’m living out my dreams, traveling the world with my wife, and helping fellow entrepreneurs succeed with Small Business Bonfire (SBB)

So, let’s look at two of the best CRMs in the biz—Agile CRM and EngageBay. Both have strengths and weaknesses, but which one will come out on top?

Let’s find out!

Bonfire Rating: 4.7/5

Agile CRM is an all-in-one platform designed to manage every aspect of the customer lifecycle (without breaking the bank).

Bonfire Rating: 4.7/5

EngageBay offers a suite of awesome tools to help you scale your business and stay organized in the process!

How Did We Evaluate Agile CRM and EngageBay?

We spent six months comparing the following features of Agile CRM and EngageBay:

Pricing & Free VersionTop FeaturesCustomer ServiceIntegrationsEase of UseBest Mobile AppKnowledge and Learning CenterLimitationsWhich One We Think is Best for Small Businesses

How We Objectively Test Each Platform:

Expert Review



Customer Service


Ease of Use


AJ’s got a knack for kick-starting businesses, putting them on autopilot, and setting them up for acquisition. Over the past decade, he’s been right in the thick of things with hundreds of small businesses, helping them with just about everything under the business sun. If you need advice on software suites and choices? AJ’s your guy.

We roll up our sleeves and dive into the top CRM features we think are pretty crucial for small businesses. Stuff like reports and analytics, options to customize your pipelines, and the ability to link up with other apps and services. We know what makes small businesses tick, so we know what features they need to get the job done.

Money matters, folks! When it comes to picking a CRM system, price is usually the deal-breaker. We give a big thumbs up if a provider charges $30 or less per user each month for their starter plan. Extra brownie points for throwing in a freebie plan or trial, options to scale up or down as needed, and the freedom to pay monthly or yearly. We’re looking for flexability for small businesses. 

We all know support is mega important when you’re choosing a CRM platform. This is especially true for those smaller businesses or sales teams who can’t afford to have tech wizards on their payroll. We put our detective hats on to see if these companies offer round-the-clock support, and we looked at the different ways you can get help. We’re talking live chat (like, real-time convo), email tickets, a good old-fashioned phone call, and self-service tools (for the DIY-ers out there).

When you’re in the business of picking a CRM, integrations are like the secret sauce that takes your burger from ‘meh’ to ‘mind-blowing’. Imagine, all your favorite apps and tools, working together in perfect harmony, making your workflow smoother than a fresh tub of Nutella. When we review a CRM, we look at the integrations most SMB owners are looking for.

When you’re reviewing a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, it’s essential to pay close attention to its ease of use. After all, a CRM is as beneficial as its usability. A simple, intuitive interface saves you and your team a great deal of time and headache. When we’re reviewing each CRM, this is a crucial aspect that we look for.

The importance of Mobile CRM cannot be overstated in today’s digital age. It’s essential for fostering strong customer relationships and managing business activities. Mobile access to CRM makes it possible for sales teams to update and access customer information in real time, improving efficiency and ensuring up-to-date data. Mobile CRM can have a massive impact on SMBs, so thoroughly testing it is essential for each one of our reviews.

EngageBay Vs. Agile CRM Comparison Chart

Here’s an overview of how each platform performed in our matchup. 

EngageBay Vs. Agile CRM: Pricing

When it comes to pricing, both EngageBay and Agile CRM offer affordable options for small businesses.

EngageBay Pricing

EngageBay offers a free forever plan and three paid plans.

They are as follows:

Free – Free foreverBasic – $14.99/month Growth – $49.99/month Pro – $99.99/month 

Agile CRM Pricing​​

Agile offers a free plan in addition to three paid plans that range from $8.99 to $49.99/month.

The plans include the following:

Free version – Free account is available for up to 10 usersStarter plan – $8.99/month per userRegular plan – $29.99/month per userEnterprise plan – $47.99/month per user

Agile CRM Vs. EngageBay Pricing Winner: Agile

AJ’s Take: Agile CRM wins this round by offering a free plan for up to 10 users, giving small businesses the opportunity to try out the platform without any financial commitment.

EngageBay Vs. Agile CRM: Top Features

Both EngageBay and Agile CRM have top features that can help streamline your business operations.

Here’s a breakdown of what each platform has to offer.

EngageBay Top Features

These are some of the best features EngageBay has to offer, in our opinion.

Let’s look at EngageBay’s contact management.

We tested the platform for six months and found this feature to be incredibly intuitive, powerful, and customizable throughout our testing.

With the free plan, you get 250 contacts, which is pretty great (for not having to spend a dime). It scales up from there (all the way to unlimited contacts with the Pro plan).  

We added our affiliate marketing B2B contacts to see how the platform held up. 

Here’s how a “new contact” card looked from our perspective. 

Within each card, we were able to easily add and edit the following information:

NameEmailRoleTagsCompanyContact infoCustom fields 

We could easily add custom fields with just a click (shown below).

This level of customization is perfect for small and midsize businesses (SMBs) looking to add specific contact information to their CRM

Some great use cases for EngageBay’s contact customization include: 

Adding tags for custom segments (i.e., VIP, regular, non-responsive)Custom fields for specific product or service interestsRole-based information to tailor communication 

Once we added our contacts and customized everything to our liking, here’s how our contact dashboard looked. 

As you can see, everything is laid out in a way that is easy to read and navigate. 

The bottom line: EngageBay’s contact management is easy to use, powerful, and fully customizable—what’s not to like? The fact that it’s free to use makes EngageBay a formidable competitor.

Your sales pipelines are the lifeblood of your small business. 

Keeping track of leads, managing deals, and closing sales is a major part of any CRM. 

So, how does EngageBay stack up in this category? 

We were impressed with the visual layout and ease of use of EngageBay’s pipeline management (to say the least).

We tested this feature over six months by adding our affiliate marketing deals.

We especially liked the ability to easily switch between list and grid views

Here’s our deals pipeline (table view) to really paint a picture. 

With EngageBay, we could create and edit unlimited deals on the fly, keeping our team in the loop while closing more deals overall. 

Some things we really liked about EngageBay’s pipeline management include: 

Visual and easy-to-understand layoutAbility to switch between list and grid viewsEasy drag-and-drop customization (with the grid view)Ability to easily add deals (right from the pipeline)

Here’s an example of our grid view (which we preferred for the drag-and-drop functionality).

Our takeaway: If you’re looking to empower your sales teams, close more deals, and improve your overall sales process (without breaking the bank), EngageBay’s pipeline management is a no-brainer. 

Task management is a feature that seems simple on paper but, in practice, can make or break your business. 

If you can’t keep track of your tasks, you’ll quickly lose sight of what needs to get done and when. 

Luckily, EngageBay CRM provides some straightforward and helpful task management capabilities

Let’s walk you through our experience. 

We started by adding in some typical onboarding tasks at Small Business Bonfire.

Here’s how adding a new task looked.

Each task card allowed us to easily create reminders, assign users, and add notes as needed. 

This meant our team could easily see what needed to be done and when

Once we had our tasks input, we were able to view them all on an easy-to-read task pipeline (pictured below)

We absolutely loved the layout, making moving each task to the appropriate stage easy. Plus, each stage was color-coded (and customizable). 

That meant we could see our progress on each task at a glance (without having to click on it)!

Our two cents: EngageBay’s task management is straightforward, easy to use, and customizable—you can’t ask for much more! 

Email marketing is a staple of any small business’s digital marketing strategy

So, what does EngageBay bring to the table?

We tested out the email marketing capabilities by creating a newsletter campaign for the Bonfire Field Guide (our actionable scaling guide for SMBs).

Here’s what we loved:

The ability to easily create sleek, professional-looking emails using one of their beautiful templatesEasy drag-and-drop customization for those who want more control (like us)The ability to add contacts to specific campaigns with just a few clicksEmail marketing automation for trigger-based emails 

We especially enjoyed the beginner-friendly email templates offered by EngageBay (screenshot below).

We created multiple emails throughout various campaign stages with these templates. 

Here’s a snapshot of an introduction email we created for the newsletter campaign. 

In addition to this email, we created content for the following stages of our campaign:

Reminder emailOffer emailFollow-up emailThank you email 

To our surprise, we could easily set up our campaign and send it out in less than 30 minutes with EngageBay. 

The whole process felt seamless and efficient overall. 

Web form creation is a key element to success in digital marketing. 

If you can’t capture leads through your website, growing your business will be much harder.

EngageBay takes this into consideration with its easy-to-use web form builder

With EngageBay, you can create both web popup and inline forms like it’s nothing!

We tested the customization options and were impressed with the overall ease of use and variety of forms available. 

We could quickly create a simple contact form (pictured below) and integrate it into our website in less than 5 minutes. 

This meant better conversion rates and increased potential leads for our business. 

We especially liked how easy it was to add our branding/logo and to customize each field to our specific needs. 

The verdict: Landing page creation can be tricky, but with EngageBay, it doesn’t have to be! They make it easy to create professional and effective web forms that will help drive conversions. 

Landing page creation is an advanced marketing feature that not every CRM offers. However, EngageBay isn’t just any CRM. 

They make it easy to create stunning landing pages with their drag-and-drop builder.

We wanted to see how easy it would be to create a landing page for our Bonfire Field Guide, so we tested EngageBay’s capabilities. 

EngageBay offers some fantastic templates with customization options catering to various industries. 

Here’s a quick look at their selection.

We found the template editor intuitive and easy to use, making it simple to customize our landing page to fit our branding. 

Take a look at our creation process (about halfway through) for our newsletter landing page. 

At the end of the day, EngageBay offers some fantastic landing page creation that stands out amongst a crowd of CRM platforms. 

If you’re not using live chat software, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to engage with your customers. 

EngageBay offers this feature in addition to its CRM capabilities, and we were excited to test it out. 

Overall, we found the live chat platform effective and easy to use

We loved being able to customize our chat widget to fit our branding (see below).

We could easily accomplish the following with EngageBay’s live chat customization:

Add our logoChange the colorCreate custom messages

One of our favorite features was the ability to set up automated messages and triggers based on specific criteria (such as time spent on a page). 

We found this to be incredibly useful in engaging with our website visitors and capturing leads. 

Overall, we think that live chat software is essential for businesses to scale their service efforts.  

Thankfully, EngageBay offers an excellent platform that integrates seamlessly with the rest of its features. 

EngageBay’s ticket management feature is a handy tool for businesses that want to streamline their customer support process. 

We tested it by adding some tickets we have at Small Business Bonfire. 

Here’s how it looked to add a new ticket. 

We liked that we could easily leave notes within each card to let our team know what was happening. 

We also appreciated that, when we clicked on each ticket, we could view them all on an easy-to-read task pipeline (pictured below). 

The layout made it simple to move each task along (with the drag-and-drop interface) to the appropriate stage.

The rundown: EngageBay’s ticket management feature is straightforward, easy to use, and customizable—you can’t ask for much more! 

EngageBay really stands out with its service automation software. 

It’s a game-changer that takes away the hassle of manual support tasks. 

With its automation capabilities, it streamlines operations and boosts productivity and efficiency.

Here’s an example. We created a command that automatically assigns new users to tickets as they’re created (screenshot below). 

This speeds up the ticket resolution process and ensures that no ticket goes unnoticed or unattended. 

It’s like having a magic wand for providing seamless support and keeping customers happy.

Throughout our six months of testing, we were able to create the following service automations:

Sending notifications for high-priority tickets.Assigning new users to support tickets.Following up with customers after a ticket has been resolved.Sending an alert when a ticket has been left unresolved for a certain period.

The possibilities are endless, and we were impressed with how easy it was to set up these automations. 

Here’s a sneak peek of our automation creation process (to give you a better idea).

With each automation, we were able to easily add triggers, actions, and commands with just a click. 

Our takeaway: We liked that EngageBay essentially made creating complex automation rules a breeze (with no coding knowledge needed).

Agile CRM Top Features

Now that we’ve covered some of the top features of EngageBay, let’s take a look at what makes Agile CRM stand out in the market. 

When it comes to contact management, Agile truly shines by offering tremendous utility. 

Our experience with syncing our Small Business Bonfire Gmail account was a breeze, accomplished with just a few clicks.

Here’s a sneak peek of the integration process. 

This enabled us to connect our contacts directly to the Agile CRM platform. But we didn’t stop there; we also wanted to evaluate the ease of manually adding contacts. Much to our surprise, it was straightforward and hassle-free

Here’s a snapshot of what our manual contact addition process looked like. 

The bottom line: With Agile, we found contact management to be both seamless and highly efficient.

Great pipeline management can make or break your business

We were curious to see if Agile’s pipeline management capabilities lived up to its reputation.

Thankfully, it didn’t disappoint. 

We tested this feature (over six months), adding to our affiliate marketing deals at Small Business Bonfire.

Check out the “new deal” interface, one of the sleekest designs we’ve seen (and we’ve seen a lot).

We loved the ability to color-code each deal, in addition to being able to add a ton of information to each card.

Once we had our deals put in, we could move them around in our pipeline (pictured below).

What Agile does best is keep things simple. Throughout our testing, we can easily say that we were never confused about where any deal was in our sales process. 

This allowed our sales team to focus on what they do best—closing deals.

With the help desk tool, Agile CRM essentially gives you a hub to manage all customer support tickets in one convenient location.

With Agile CRM, we could easily add tickets to our help desk and assign them to specific team members. 

Here’s a snapshot of what it looked like to add a new ticket.

Once we had our tickets in the system, viewing and managing them from a centralized location was easy.

Here are some things we really liked about this feature:  

Creating and saving canned responses for frequently asked questionsAdding internal notes to each ticket for easy communication with our teamViewing all tickets in a single, organized dashboardAssigning tickets to specific team members for efficient resolutionAdding custom tags to tickets for easy organization and searching 

All in all, Agile CRM’s help desk feature was impressive with its user-friendly interface and functionality. 

Our final thoughts: Agile CRM’s help desk feature is an excellent tool for any business looking to streamline their customer service efforts (at a very affordable price).

At Small Business Bonfire, we believe in working smarter, not harder.

Automation is your golden ticket to getting more done in less time

Agile CRM automates marketing sales and service processes across the board. 

Let’s break it down:

Marketing Automation: Agile CRM’s marketing automation features are highly intuitive and designed to amplify the efficiency of marketing teams. They offer capabilities like automatic email campaigns, web analytics, and a social suite to manage all social profiles in one place.Service Automation: Agile CRM streamlines service requests and improves overall efficiency with helpdesk automations. With features like automatic ticket assignment, escalation when tickets aren’t resolved promptly, and the ability to create canned responses for frequently asked questions, Agile CRM ensures no customer request falls through the cracks.Sales Automation: Agile CRM shines in sales automation with features like automatic follow-ups, task reminders, and even opportunity tracking. Automating these essential sales tasks significantly reduces manual work, allowing sales teams to focus more on closing deals (and less on administrative tasks).

Here’s a quick look into our automation creation process during our three months of testing. 

We created a service automation to assign users based on different priority levels. 

The learning curve here was a bit steep, but we were impressed with how customizable and efficient this feature was once we got the hang of it.

Agile CRM’s workflow automation capabilities are a game changer for any business looking to optimize its processes and boost productivity

Testing Agile CRM’s landing page builder was a straightforward and insightful process

We kicked off the evaluation by creating several pages using the drag-and-drop editor. 

The editor was intuitive, making it easy for us to add, remove, or rearrange various elements on the page. 

Plus, we could easily preview how the page would look on different devices – a handy feature for ensuring responsiveness.

Here are some of the elements that stood out during our testing phase:

Drag-and-drop editor: The drag-and-drop editor was super intuitive, allowing us to easily create and edit landing pages. The freedom to move elements around as we saw fit gave us complete control over the design and layout of our pages.Analytics: We loved having access to detailed analytics. The ability to monitor page performance in real time was immensely beneficial in adjusting our strategies based on user behavior and engagement.Customization: The customization options were robust. We could easily change colors, fonts, and other design elements to match our brand identity. 
A/B testing: The A/B testing feature was a great addition. It allowed us to test different variations of our landing pages to determine which performed best.

Agile CRM’s landing page builder is not just a tool for creating pages; it’s a comprehensive platform for monitoring, analyzing, and refining your landing pages to achieve better conversion rates.

Creating web forms to capture leads can help make your sales and marketing teams’ lives much easier. 

Agile CRM allows you to create powerful web capture forms for your website. 

We loved the ease of use and all the customization options available in the form builder. 

Here are some features we found helpful during our testing:

Responsive forms: The web forms created using Agile CRM’s form builder are responsive, which means they adapt to different screen sizes for a seamless user experience.
Customization:  The form builder has several customization options, like adding fields, changing the layout and design, and even inserting custom code for advanced users.
Form analytics: The form builder provides detailed analytics for each form, giving us insights into conversion rates, abandonment rates, and more.

Here’s a quick look into our creation process.

We created a form to sign up for our newsletter (in less than 5 minutes).

From there, we were given the code to easily embed the form onto our website (screenshot below).

This made it incredibly easy to capture leads and grow our email list while we focused on making our clients happy. 

Agile CRM’s email marketing capabilities are truly impressive, serving as a powerful tool for businesses to accomplish the following:

Connect with their audienceConvert prospectsRetain customers

During our six months of testing, we created countless campaigns using this feature. 

Agile CRM made establishing an effective email marketing strategy easy, providing everything from campaign analytics to email tracking. 

One feature that stood out was the ability to create custom templates for each campaign stage

This allowed us to tailor our communication to our audience’s specific needs or interests at that particular phase, increasing the relevancy and effectiveness of our messages. 

For instance, we created an introductory template to showcase our newsletter to newly subscribed customers. 

This personal touch added a sense of welcome and engagement, creating a robust and active subscription base.

Here’s a glimpse of the introductory template we created (using the fantastic template editor).

At the end of the day, email marketing is a great way to nurture leads and build relationships with customers

With Agile CRM’s versatile email marketing capabilities, businesses of all sizes can execute effective campaigns that produce measurable results.

Understanding data is key to driving success in any business, and Agile CRM excels in this domain exceptionally with its extensive analytics and reporting capabilities. 

With the ability to track a vast range of metrics, this feature provides invaluable insights into how your campaigns are performing and where there is room for improvement. 

The data-driven approach offered by Agile CRM enables businesses to make informed decisions, optimize their strategies, and ultimately achieve their goals.

Here are a few highlights from our testing of Agile CRM’s analytics and reporting features:

User-friendly interface: We found the platform very easy to navigate. The user-friendly interface makes accessing a wealth of data at a glance straightforward.In-depth data: The level of detail provided by Agile CRM’s analytics is incredible. We could track everything from customer engagement and conversion rates to email opens and click-through rates, providing a comprehensive view of our campaign performance.Real-time reports: Agile CRM provides real-time updates, allowing us to monitor our campaigns as they are happening and make necessary adjustments.Customizable reports: The ability to customize reports based on specific metrics was a big plus. This made it easy for us to focus on the most relevant data to our goals.

Here’s an example of a custom report we created called “Revenue by Source.”

This report showed us exactly where our revenue came from, allowing us to allocate our resources and efforts accordingly. 

The brass tacks:  Agile CRM’s analytics and reporting features are robust, intuitive, and highly detailed, making it an invaluable tool for driving business success.

EngageBay Vs. Agile CRM Features Winner: EngageBay

AJ’s Take: After thoroughly testing both platforms, EngageBay is the winner in terms of features. Their landing page builder and form builder are more robust, while their email marketing capabilities offer greater customization options.

Related Reading

After testing, we compiled a thorough list of our favorite CRMs for Small Businesses. Check it out now! The list might surprise you. 

EngageBay Vs. Agile CRM: Customer Service

When it comes to comparing customer service, we’ll look at the following metrics:

Availability Knowledge baseTrainingResponsive support

EngageBay Customer Service

Let’s break down EngageBay’s customer service based on our testing.

Availability: Since EngageBay is a global company, they offer 24/5 customer support.
Knowledge base: EngageBay has an extensive knowledge base with video tutorials, articles, and how-to guides to help users navigate the software.
Training:  They also offer live training sessions for new users to get familiarized with the software.
Responsive support: We found EngageBay’s support team to be responsive and helpful, responding to our queries promptly and providing thorough solutions.

Agile CRM Customer Service

So, how is Agile CRM’s customer service? Let’s take a look!

Availability: Agile CRM offers 24/5 chat, email, and phone support. The live chat is less responsive than we would have liked, however. Knowledge Base: They have a comprehensive knowledge base with articles and video tutorials to help users learn the software (not available on the free plan).Training: Like EngageBay, Agile CRM offers live training sessions for new users.Responsive Support: Agile CRM’s support team was responsive and helpful, addressing our concerns quickly with detailed solutions.

Ultimately, we think EngageBay has the edge here because their live chat was extremely accessible throughout our testing. 

Agile CRM Vs. EngageBay CRM Customer Service Winner: EngageBay 

AJ’s Take: Both EngageBay and Agile CRM provide excellent customer service, but EngageBay edges out with their 24/5 support availability and responsive live chat.

Agile CRM Vs. EngageBay: Integrations

The ability to integrate with other tools and platforms is crucial for businesses looking to streamline their processes and increase efficiency.

Let’s see how EngageBay and Agile CRM compare in terms of integrations.

EngageBay Integrations

EngageBay offers some basic native integrations that get the job done. 

These include the following: 


It’s important to note that EngageBay doesn’t offer native integrations with two of our favorite platforms—Slack and MailChimp. 

However, they do offer a robust and seamless integration with Zapier (that allows for thousands of third-party applications), which more than makes up for this shortcoming. 

Agile CRM Integrations

Agile CRM offers a ton of great native integrations from the following categories:

Support softwareSocial pluginsEmail integrationTelephony integrationEmail gateway integrationeCommerce integrationBilling integration

There’s an impressive amount of utility here and a great Zapier integration.

For this reason, we had to give it to Agile CRM when it comes to integrations. 

EngageBay Vs. Agile CRM Integrations Winner: Agile 

AJ’s Take: Agile CRM offers a plethora of native integrations, making it easier to seamlessly connect with other popular platforms.

EngageBay Vs. Agile CRM: Ease of Use

Let’s look at how easy EngageBay and Agile CRM are to use. 

EngageBay Ease of Use

EngageBay is incredibly easy to use! It’s one of the standout features of the platform, in my opinion.  

Some highlights include: 

The dashboard is intuitive and well thought out, giving you a clear view of all your activities at a glance.Navigation is straightforward, making it simple to move between different features and functions.The drag-and-drop email builder makes creating beautiful campaigns a breeze.Customer segmentation is a cinch, thanks to the platform’s advanced filters.

EngageBay is a great CRM to learn on, as it’s extremely beginner-friendly and offers a ton of support to help you get started.

Agile CRM Ease of Use

Agile CRM is also a dream when it comes to ease of use.  

Here are a few reasons why:

The user interface is sleek and modern, making navigation easy.The drag-and-drop builder makes creating campaigns simple and fast.There are plenty of customizations available to tailor the software to your specific needs.Automated workflows make it easy to set up complex processes without any coding knowledge required. 

Agile CRM certainly gives EngageBay a run for its money when it comes to ease of use. For that reason, this round is a tie.

Agile CRM Vs. EngageBay Ease of Use Winner: Tie

AJ’s Take: Both platforms are incredibly user-friendly, making them great options for small businesses that may not have a dedicated IT team.

Agile CRM Vs. EngageBay: Best Mobile App

Both EngageBay and Agile CRM offer mobile apps for on-the-go management.

Let’s see which one comes out on top in terms of functionality and user experience.

EngageBay Mobile App

The EngageBay app (available on iOS and Android mobile devices) gets the job done (despite some negative user reviews). 

We were able to accomplish just about everything we needed to with the mobile marketing and sales app. 

Some standout features include:

Dashboard viewContact managementWeb form creationLanding pagesNotificationsActivity management

Our only real issue with the app was that it didn’t quite have the same functionality as the desktop version. Making it feel limited at times.

Agile CRM Mobile App

The Agile mobile app is available on iOS and Android.

To test it out, we downloaded it on iOS and got started!

Some features we liked from the app included:

Contact managementDashboard viewDeal trackingReal-time notifications

Just like EngageBay, the app (while useful) ultimately fell short of the desktop version. 

For this reason, this section is also a tie.  

EngageBay Vs. Agile CRM Mobile App Winner: Tie

AJ’s Take: The mobile apps for both EngageBay and Agile CRM are great for managing contacts and basic tasks but lack some of the functionality of their desktop counterparts.

EngageBay Vs. Agile CRM: Knowledge Center

For this section, we’ll be looking at the knowledge and learning centers for both EngageBay and Agile CRM. 

EngageBay Knowledge Center

EngageBay’s Knowledge Center was an invaluable resource during our testing. 

It’s a comprehensive hub with a wealth of information, including the following:

How-to guidesTutorial videosTroubleshooting tipsFAQs

This knowledge helped us understand and leverage all of EngageBay’s unique features. 

The user-friendly interface made it easy for beginners and seasoned users to quickly find the information they needed. 

Overall, our experience with EngageBay’s Knowledge Center was positive and played a crucial role in evaluating it against Agile CRM.

Agile CRM Knowledge Center

Like EngageBay, Agile CRM’s knowledge center was crucial in our review process. 

We constantly turned to the knowledge base to address any issues we came across. 

Here are some features we liked:

Informative how-to guidesStep-by-step tutorial videosExtensive troubleshooting tipsA compilation of frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Overall, both platforms offered a helpful knowledge base; however, Agile CRM’s knowledge base is unavailable with the free plan. For that reason, this round goes to EngageBay.

Agile CRM Vs. EngageBay Knowledge Center Winner: EngageBay

AJ’s Take: Both platforms offer great resources for learning and troubleshooting, but EngageBay’s knowledge center is more comprehensive and accessible.

Agile CRM Vs. EngageBay: Limitations

No platform is perfect, and that includes Agile CRM and EngageBay. Here are some limitations we discovered while evaluating both platforms.

EngageBay Limitations

Some limitations of EngageBay include the following: 

Limited free plan: While EngageBay does have a great free plan, it’s limited in terms of advanced features. If you’re serious about scaling, you’ll probably want to upgrade eventually. Lack of calendar customization & views: There are virtually no customization options for the EngageBay calendar, which could be a dealbreaker for some users who rely heavily on scheduling and planning.

Agile CRM Limitations

Some of Agile CRM’s limitations include:

No knowledge base with the free plan: This isn’t a huge limitation for most small businesses, but it’s something to keep in mind if you’re on a tight budget. You’ll need to upgrade to access Agile CRM’s knowledge base.No real project management tools: While Agile CRM offers some basic task and project management features, it’s not as robust as other platforms specifically designed for project management.

EngageBay Vs. Agile CRM Limitations Winner: Tie

AJ’s Take: Both platforms have their limitations, but they both offer enough features to be suitable for most small businesses.

EngageBay Vs. Agile CRM: Which is Best for Small Businesses?

This one was close to a tie, in our opinion. 

However, EngageBay ultimately came out on top because of its all-in-one marketing, sales, and service feature set, extremely user-friendly interface, and stellar customer service. 

If you’re looking for a platform to help you scale your business, get organized, and empower your teams, EngageBay is your best bet

It’s free to try, so check it out today!

The post Agile CRM Vs. EngageBay 2023: Who’s Best for SMBs? appeared first on Small Business Bonfire.

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