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Have you recently implemented CRM software but feel like you’re not using it to its fullest potential?

You’ve heard of all the amazing things CRM can do, but you’re just not seeing that in your company! If so, you’re not alone. 

Hi! My name is AJ! I recently sold my business for multiple seven figures, and now I strive to help entrepreneurs like you find ways to boost their business!

After running my company for years, I discovered how valuable CRM software is.

So, if you’re ready to take your business to the next level and get the most out of your CRM investment, keep reading for CRM tips and tricks!

Key Takeaways

Related Reading: Best Small Business CRM

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CRM Tip 1: Seek Customer Feedback

One effective way to use your company’s customer relationship management (CRM) software is actively seeking customer feedback.

Understanding how customers feel about the sales process helps your team continuously improve.

You can send emails, SMS texts, and even phone calls to gather customer feedback.

When gathering customer feedback, ask about the following things:

How did customers enjoy their shopping experience?If customers could change one thing about your product or service, what would it be?Was shipping fast and efficient?Was ordering products online easy?Did customer service answer any questions they had while shopping?

CRM Tip 2: Be As Responsive as Possible

Being responsive is crucial, especially for small businesses.

Your customers expect quick and efficient solutions to their problems or answers to their queries.

Fast responses improve customer satisfaction and build meaningful customer relationships.

You can automate common questions using AI-powered chatbots and email messages using CRM software.

CRM Tip 3: Be Consistent

The third tip is to remain consistent, especially with tasks associated with customer relationships.

Additionally, consistency means your company stays active on social media and updates your website.

Staying consistent shows customers that your company continually evolves and grows.

Also, customers prefer shopping with companies they trust, and consistency is a great way to show you’re a trustworthy brand.

CRM Tip 4: Show Business Integrity

Think about it. Which company would you rather shop at, a company that hides its business practices and never responds to customer inquiries?

Or would you instead shop with a company that remains upfront and honest about its business operations?

Consumers place significant value on authentic companies.

So, if you want to build long-term relationships with your customers, showing business integrity is essential.

Long-term customers typically spend more money than new customers, so fostering these relationships is crucial.

CRM Tip 5: Let Customers Help Themselves

At first, this tip may seem strange, especially when customer service is a massive emphasis for small business owners.

And while consumers used to be content calling customer service reps and waiting on the phone until an agent solved their problem, those days are over.

Use your CRM system to offer 24/7 self-service, which includes the following tools:

AI-powered chatbotsAn FAQ section on your websiteHow-to articlesKnowledge base center on your websiteAutomated email responses

Customers will be happier if they can answer questions immediately and continue shopping.

CRM Tip 6: Celebrate Milestones

Most couples celebrate relationship milestones, such as one-year anniversaries, first dates, etc.

Carry this practice over to celebrate your existing customers.

Loyal, happy customers are much easier to sell to than new customers, and it’s an excellent sign when you have repeat business.

Show these loyal customers how much you appreciate them by sending exclusive discount codes, gift cards, a bottle of wine, etc.

CRM systems track every customer interaction, allowing you to see which customer relationships you’ve nurtured the longest.

CRM Tip 7: Welcome Customers With a Handwritten Note

One of the best CRM tips and tricks you can implement is writing handwritten notes to new and current customers.

Handwritten notes help your small business stand out from its competitors.

As you write these notes, add a couple of personal tidbits to form an emotional connection.

While technology is excellent for many tasks because it gets things done faster, a handwritten note can still go a long way.

Writing a quick thank you or note of appreciation improves the customer experience.

You can use CRM software to gather personal details from customer data to make your notes more personal!

CRM Tip 8: Recommend Related Products or Services

Sales and marketing tactics like upselling and cross-selling are excellent ways to increase sales and help a customer’s shopping experience.

Most companies implement upselling opportunities after customers add a product to their cart.

Therefore, customers learn more about the products in your online store.

When you integrate CRM software, the technology captures recent purchases, ensuring you follow up with the right customers about the best products.

For instance, if your CRM system reports a group of customers purchasing a t-shirt, you can automatically send this group an email recommending a necklace to compliment the shirt.

Look for the items customers usually purchase together when analyzing CRM data to offer accurate upselling and cross-selling suggestions.

CRM Tip 9: Speed Up the Quoting Process

Without a CRM platform, sales quotes are a cumbersome process.

And if you want to change potential customers into paying ones, time is of the essence!

Allow your CRM to automate and streamline the quotation process by utilizing existing customer information.

That way, your sales and marketing teams can focus more time on the customer and less on administrative tasks!

CRM Tip 10: Remind Customers of Upcoming Events

Keeping customers engaged with upcoming events is essential.

I struggled with this concept because I thought too many reminders were annoying.

However, CRM software automatically completes these tasks for you, and the results are worth being a little “annoying.”

Several ways to remind customers of upcoming events include SMS texts, emails, and print ads.

CRM Tip 11: Track Customer Demands (and Meet Them)

Customer demands and expectations continually change as your company grows and the industry changes.

Therefore, using CRM software to track and observe customer demands is vital.

For instance, some details you can keep track of include the following:

What are the most common customer complaints?What deals, promotions, or discounts do customers utilize most often?Where does your target audience voice their opinions (Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc.)?What details about your products or services do customers wish would be different?

Analyzing trends and patterns to meet your customers’ expectations leads to higher loyalty and customer satisfaction rates!

CRM Tip 12: Send Personalized Customer Emails

Another easy but often overlooked way to build customer relationships is to send personalized emails.

Fortunately, CRM systems make this even easier by tracking customer data and segmenting your existing customers!

CRM software can create customer segments based on the following details:

DemographicsBuying patternsInterestsPreferred social media outletPreviously purchased items

Therefore, you can send personalized messages, discounts, and updates to specific segments that the groups resonate with.

Personalization helps customers feel special and associate your brand with a positive shopping experience.

CRM Tip 13: Reach Out to Customers on Live Events

If your company hosts live events throughout the year, reaching out and connecting with customers during these events is essential!

Why is connecting in person necessary?

Reaching out to customers attending your live events helps you understand your most loyal customer base!

Remember, loyal customers often spend significantly more than new customers, so understanding this group’s needs is an excellent business practice.

Also, connecting with customers at live events helps your team build deeper relationships with your target audience.

Again, this builds loyalty and ensures you keep these customers for years!

CRM Tip 14: Send SMS Reminders

As efficient as email follow-ups are, SMS texts can be a better option for specific customer segments.

For instance, if your target audience is people between 20 and 35, text reminders are excellent because they tend to be on their phones most often.

On the other hand, if your target audience is older, SMS texts may not be a good idea.

Fortunately, you can quickly determine which customers prefer SMS texts by having them fill out a contact form during the initial stages of the sales process.

Your CRM system stores this information and utilizes it down the road, sending SMS text reminders only to the people who signed up for them.

CRM Tip 15: Send Customer Reporting

CRM software is extremely advanced and is capable of creating in-depth sales, marketing, and customer reports.

Not utilizing these reports is a HUGE mistake! You’d be missing out on valuable insights and potential ways to improve your business and boost sales!

Customer reporting shows you how your business meets customer expectations.

For instance, customer reports can include the following details:

Number of customer inquiriesAverage response time for your customer service agentsData on customer interactionsHow customers interact with your websiteHow customers interact with your company on social mediaReviews and ratingsMost recently purchased items

Customer reports are valuable, and you should allow every department to have access to these reports.

Your company’s overall goal is to build meaningful relationships and make a lot of sales; utilize customer reports to help you get there!

CRM Tip 16: Say Thank You

Saying “thank you” may seem like a small detail (and it is), but it goes a long way as you build customer relationships.

Even if a customer only purchases one item from your store, including a (handwritten) note saying thank you means a lot to most customers.

Also, sending thank yous helps your business stand out from the crowd, as most big-name companies don’t do this!

If you can personalize your thank you messages, too, that’s even better.

Customers aren’t the only people you can send thank yous to.

I’ve found that sending thank-you notes to employees, outside parties, and anyone else who helps your company meet its goals helps build meaningful relationships.

CRM Data Tips Closing Thoughts

There you have it! Some of the best CRM tips and tricks in the industry!

CRM software is an excellent tool for building customer relationships. But there are several ways you can utilize this technology and take your business to the next level.

Small practices like sending thank yous, tracking customer demands, and sending personalized messages mean a lot while building loyal customers.

What CRM tip stood out most to you? Let us know in the comments section below!

And good luck finding the best CRM software for your small business!

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