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Are you looking for a robust, feature-rich, yet wallet-friendly CRM? Are you tired of sifting through complex pricing plans and hidden costs?

Let’s break down the EngageBay pricing for you, making sure you get the best bang for your buck.

Hi, I’m AJ! I’ve spent the past decade building my business (to a successful seven-figure exit).

My goal with Small Business Bonfire is to share what I’ve learned with fellow entrepreneurs.

So, let’s look at EngageBay—a platform that’s affordable, powerful, and scalable (plus it offers a free forever plan).

After testing every pricing plan on the platform over six months, I’ve put together this comprehensive review to take the guesswork out of the equation for you!


You Can Trust Small Business Bonfire

Small Business Bonfire has been testing and evaluating numerous business software solutions since 2009. Our aim is to assist small business owners like you in launching and expanding your organizations. If you would like to learn more about our testing process, please refer to this article here.

Who Is EngageBay For?

Who Is EngageBay Not For?

EngageBay Pricing Overview

EngageBay Sales Bay

Free planBasic – $12.99Growth – $49.99Pro – $79.99

EngageBay Marketing Bay

Free planBasic – $12.99Growth – $49.99Pro – $79.99

EngageBay Service Bay

Free Forever

EngageBay Sales Bay Pricing

Bonfire Rating: 4.7/5

EngageBay Sales Bay is perfect tool to help SMBs grow from the ground up!

EngageBay Sales Bay

Learn More Today!




Customizable Pipeline Management

Task & Calendar Sync

Powerful Workflow Automation


What Is EngageBay Sales Bay?

EngageBay Sales Bay is the sales superhero of the EngageBay suite!

It’s designed to help small businesses scale their sales process while empowering their sales teams to succeed.

Some features offered by Sales Bay include the following:

Pipeline managementSales automationContact managementReporting & analyticsLead scoringTask management

Sales Bay is fantastic for small and midsize businesses (SMBs) because it offers plans to scale your business to the enterprise level (without breaking the bank).

It’s also perfect for startups as it offers a comprehensive free plan with all the tools needed to get started (no financial commitment needed).

We tested the CRM software over six months to personally try out all the features in each pricing plan (so you don’t have to).

What we found is a wonderful, affordable sales solution built to help small businesses succeed.


EngageBay Sales Bay Features

Pipeline Management

Pipeline management is the cornerstone of a good sales process. So, how does EngageBay Sales fair in this department?

Well, in our estimation, they passed with flying colors!

We tested this feature over six months; here’s what we found:

Intuitive design: EngageBay’s pipeline management feature boasts an intuitive design that’s easy to navigate, even for beginners. It allows users to customize their sales pipeline to suit their business needs.Real-time updates: The pipeline management system provides real-time updates, ensuring all team members can access the most current information. This eliminates confusion and reduces the risk of miscommunication or data redundancy.Advanced filtering: With advanced filtering options, users can quickly and easily locate specific deals, contacts, or tasks. This saves time and increases efficiency (especially for larger teams or more complex sales processes).Automated tasks: EngageBay’s pipeline management feature includes automated task creation and user assignment. This ensures that no potential lead or deal slips through the cracks.Analytics: EngageBay provides comprehensive reporting and analytics within the pipeline management system, giving businesses valuable insight into their sales performance. This data can help identify trends, highlight successful strategies, and reveal areas for improvement.

We especially liked how we could switch between our grid and list view at the drop of a hat.

Here’s an example of our list view, where we could see each milestone clearly with color coding.

As you can see, everything is clearly laid out and easy to read.

We preferred the grid view more during our testing because we could easily move our deals to each stage in the pipeline with the drag-and-drop interface.

Check out our grid view (to give you a better idea).

Our takeaway: Closing deals can be tricky, but managing them doesn’t have to be. With EngageBay Sales Bay, we found a sales solution that made our life easier (without costing a fortune).

Lead Scoring

Let’s look at the lead scoring capabilities of EngageBay Sales Bay. This is a game-changer for sales reps looking to scale their sales process.

The lead scoring feature uses predictive algorithms to rank leads on their conversion likelihood. This lets sales reps prioritize the hottest leads and close more deals.

There is a slight caveat, however—this powerful feature is available exclusively on the Pro plan.

With this plan, EngageBay offers a CRM and sales automation system (and a significant advantage in dealing with leads more strategically).

By identifying the leads that are ready to convert, you can increase efficiency and boost your conversion rates.

Given all these advantages, it’s no surprise that the Pro plan of EngageBay Sales Bay is our pick for the best EngageBay CRM pricing plan.

If you’re an SMB focused on growth, this is the plan you need to be on. It’s a small price to pay for the power and potential revenue this feature can bring.

Contact Management

Managing customer data is a crucial aspect of any CRM worth its salt.

That’s why we’re happy to say EngageBay CRM knocks it out of the park when managing customer relationships.

We added our affiliate marketing B2B contacts to test this feature (over six months).

Here’s how it went for us.

First, we added a new contact (shown below).

Within each contact card, we were able to easily add and edit the following info:

NameContact infoTitleTagsCompanyWebsite

We really liked how easy it was to add and update custom fields for just about any information we needed.

This makes the sales CRM perfect for SMBs with specific needs.

Once we added our contacts and had our fields fully customized, here’s how our contacts dashboard looked.

The bottom line: Managing your contacts is key, and EngageBay CRM makes it easy. It’s one of our favorite platforms for client management because of its customization and ease of use!

Task Management

With its task management capabilities, Sales Bay makes managing your day-to-day activities a breeze.

During our six months of testing, we added some of our typical onboarding tasks.

Here’s how a new task card looked (to give you a better idea).

With each new task, we were able to easily add the following:

TypePriorityDue dateNotesStatusAssigned userAssociated contacts

We really liked the grid view for our tasks (pictured below) as it allowed us to quickly drag and drop each card (as we completed tasks).

The breakdown: While task management isn’t the flashiest feature of a CRM, it’s pivotal in not getting overwhelmed and overbooked. Luckily, EngageBay’s sales CRM passes with flying colors in this department!

Sales Automation

EngageBay’s Sales Bay offers a treasure trove of sales automation capabilities to bolster your team’s success.

To make it easy, let’s split them into two main categories: Workflows and Sequences.

PS—To take advantage of Sales Bay’s automation, you’ll need to sign up for the Growth plan or higher.


Workflows in EngageBay’s Sales Bay streamline your sales process by automating repetitive tasks (letting your team focus on closing deals).

They allow for custom triggers and actions, ensuring your sales process flows smoothly and efficiently.

While testing the EngageBay CRM, we created the following workflows:

Follow up automatically with inactive affiliate partnersCreate and send welcome emails to new clientsAdd contacts to the specific mailing list based on tags


Sequences empower your team to automate email marketing campaigns, saving time and ensuring consistent communication with your leads.

With Sequences, you can set up a series of personalized emails to be sent out on a predetermined schedule, keeping your leads engaged and moving them smoothly through the sales pipeline.

Sales Dashboard

At Small Business Bonfire, we’re firm believers in making data-driven decisions.

That’s why we’re excited to announce that EngageBay’s CRM offering allowed us to do just that with their sales dashboard.

We loved seeing our sales data in the following three ways (throughout our six months of testing):


Each view provided unique insights into our sales process, allowing us to identify opportunities for refinement and optimization.

With the drag-and-drop functionality that EngageBay does so well, we could easily customize our dashboard to our liking.

Here’s what we came up with.

I wanted the following metrics readily available:

Won vs. Lost DealsDeals CountClosed DealsDeals Created

This allowed me to determine our bottlenecks and how we could improve our sales overall.

At the end of the day, learning from your data so you don’t continue making the same mistakes is key.

EngageBay CRM provides a fantastic dashboard that’s fully customizable and extremely easy to use. The best part is that this feature is 100% free to use.

EngageBay Sales Bay Packages

Our Take on EngageBay Sales Bay

If you want the most bang for your buck, go with the Pro plan. It’s got access to powerful automation, predictive lead scoring, and tons of extra contacts for scaling your business.

Related Reading

We conducted tests and put together a comprehensive list of our top CRMs for Small Businesses. Take a look now! You might be surprised by the list.

EngageBay Marketing Bay Pricing

Bonfire Rating: 4.8/5

EngageBay Marketing Bay is the perfect marketing platform for scaling your business from the ground up!

EngageBay Marketing Bay

Learn More Today!




Powerful Marketing Automation

Great Landing Page Builder

Free Web Form Creation


What is EngageBay Marketing Bay?

EngageBay Marketing Bay is EngageBay’s all-in-one marketing tool designed to help you create, manage, and measure all your cross-channel marketing campaigns.

It’s perfect for SMBs who want to take their digital marketing game to the next level.

Some features offered by Marketing Bay include the following:

Email marketing toolsLanding page creationContact managementEmail templatesCampaign creationMarketing analytics (dashboard)Web forms

There are a lot of marketing capabilities here, and trust us when we say it’s all worth it.

However, you don’t have to just take our word for it. We tested these features out (on each available pricing tier), so you don’t have to!

EngageBay Marketing Bay Features

Marketing Automation

EngageBay’s Marketing Bay comes fully loaded as a robust marketing automation platform, offering a remarkable array of automation capabilities.

Marketing Bay makes it easy by separating them into three categories.

Let’s break it down:

Sequences: This feature allows you to set up a series of personalized emails to be sent out on a predetermined schedule, keeping your leads engaged and moving them smoothly through the marketing pipeline.Automations: With automation, you can streamline your marketing process by automating repetitive tasks, allowing your team to focus on creating effective marketing campaigns.Workflows: Workflows in Marketing Bay ensure your marketing process flows smoothly and efficiently. They allow for custom triggers and actions, meaning you can tailor-make your marketing process to best suit your business’s unique needs.

Side note: Most of this automation can only be accessed through the Growth plan or higher, making it a must-have for marketing-focused companies.

Throughout our testing process, we created tons of marketing automation (everything from follow-up email sequences to automated surveys).

Look at an email we created (as part of a sequence) to send to clients regarding affiliate marketing.

Overall, if you’re looking to up your marketing game, you’re going to need automation. That’s where Marketing Bay comes to the rescue. Remember, not all heroes wear capes!

Campaign Creation

Marketing campaigns are the lifeblood of any successful business.

What’s great is that EngageBay’s Marketing Bay allows you to create marketing campaigns in just a few clicks!

We created tons of email campaigns and SMS broadcasts throughout our six-month testing period (all for free).

This kind of powerful, affordable marketing software can’t be overlooked.

Let’s walk you through an SMS broadcast we created in less than 10 minutes.

First, we selected the “Campaigns” tab and “SMS Broadcast.”

From there, we clicked “new broadcast.”

Here’s how it looked from our perspective.

We named the broadcast and selected from a large list of providers (screenshot below).

We then wrote our custom messages, selecting from a library of pre-defined templates.

Here’s an example of the intro message we sent out.

Once the content is ready, we could schedule each message and send it out without a second thought!

The process took just a few minutes (and saved us tons of time in the long run).

Web Forms

EngageBay’s Marketing Bay boasts an intuitive and user-friendly web form creation feature.

Leveraging this feature can help you in the following ways:

Increase engagement: With easily accessible web forms, you can encourage website visitors to engage with your content, services, or products.Improve lead generation: By providing a platform for visitors to submit their contact details, web forms are a highly effective tool for lead generation.Boost conversion rates: With the right design and placement, web forms can drive conversions by offering seamless and user-friendly ways for visitors to connect with your business.

In our testing, we found creating both inline and popup web forms was incredibly straightforward.

The capability to customize forms (according to the specific needs of our business) was a feature we absolutely loved.

Check out some of the helpful templates offered by EngageBay Marketing Bay.

We went with one of the templates (which made things even easier) and got started.

Within less than 5 minutes, we created an inline web form to inform our website visitors about our weekly newsletter.

Here’s a sneak peek into our creation process.


We were blown away by how effortless EngageBay made creating web forms. We’ve tested a lot of platforms over the years, and EngageBay offers some of the most intuitive web form creation we’ve seen!

Our takeaway: Marketing Bay doesn’t play when attracting new leads. They offer a seamless creation process that won’t give you a headache.

Throw in the fact that it’s completely free to use, and you’ve got yourself a marketing software to be reckoned with.

Landing Page Creation

If you’re looking to create powerful, gorgeous landing pages that convert, EngageBay’s Marketing Bay delivers in spades.

This feature-rich platform offers an intuitive landing page builder with many customization options.

Let’s walk you through our landing page creation process.

We simply navigated to the “Landing Pages” tab and clicked “Create Landing Page.”

From there, we selected from a list of templates (that were some of the best we’ve seen from a CRM).

Check out a picture of our landing page creation (mid-creation) to see how everything looks.

From there, we could fully customize every aspect of the landing page and add the necessary information and content.

To make things even easier, we could embed videos, images, and more—all with the click of a button.

The bottom line: With responsive design, SEO-friendly setup, and a vast library of pre-designed templates, creating landing pages and attracting traffic has never been easier.

Marketing Dashboard

EngageBay’s Marketing Bay also features a robust marketing dashboard, which we found incredibly versatile and easy to use during our testing period.

Here are some takeaways from our testing:

Easy customization: With just a few clicks, we could personalize our dashboard to reflect our key marketing metrics, making data monitoring and analysis more streamlined.Drag-and-drop interface: The drag-and-drop feature made it easy to rearrange widgets as per our preference, saving us from complex and time-consuming setup processes.Versatile Widgets: The dashboard offers a wide range of widgets, from email marketing statistics to web form analytics, providing a comprehensive overview of our marketing efforts.

In essence, EngageBay’s Marketing Bay allowed us to work smarter, not harder.

The convenience of having all pertinent information readily accessible on a single dashboard significantly increased our efficiency and productivity.

We strongly believe that the key to a successful marketing strategy lies in optimally utilizing resources—and EngageBay helps do just that!

Email Marketing Tools

EngageBay’s Marketing Bay truly shines when it comes to email marketing.

This feature is an absolute game-changer in the realm of digital marketing, allowing users to leverage well-crafted emails to connect with their audience, promote their brand, and drive conversions.

The availability and variety of pre-made templates were awesome (shown below).

These templates not only enable the creation of visually appealing emails but also allow for customization to align with your brand image and messaging (saving you tons of time and effort in the design process).

The cherry on top is the option to save these beautifully designed emails for future use, making it easy to send them out (without a second thought).

Once our emails were ready and polished to perfection, Marketing Bay’s scheduling feature came into play.

We could effortlessly schedule our emails to go out at the most opportune times, ensuring that our communications reached our audience when they were most likely to engage.

In conjunction with the rest of the platform’s offerings, this feature made Marketing Bay an invaluable tool in our digital marketing arsenal.

If you’re looking for a comprehensive, time-saving, and effective email marketing solution, EngageBay’s Marketing Bay is a strong contender to consider.

EngageBay Marketing Bay Packages

Our Take on EngageBay Marketing Bay

If you’re serious about marketing, there’s no question about it—the Pro plan is your best bet. It offers the most comprehensive suite of features, giving you some seriously impressive return on investment (ROI).

EngageBay Service Bay Pricing

Bonfire Rating: 4.6/5

EngageBay Service Bay is the all-in-one customer support upgrade you’ve been looking for!

EngageBay Service Bay

Learn More Today!



Free Forever

Excellent Ticket Management

Live Chat & Chatbots


What is EngageBay Service Bay?

EngageBay Service Bay is a cloud-based platform that helps businesses deliver superior customer experience every time.

It offers a range of features, such as the following:

Ticket managementChatbotsHelp CenterLive chatCanned responsesService automation

ServiceBay is fantastic for SMBs and startups because it’s 100% free, no strings attached.

We think it’s fantastic even as a standalone customer service management platform because it’s powerful and requires no investment.

So try it out today; no risk, all reward. Trust us when we say—your customer support team will thank you!

EngageBay Service Bay Features


Solving customer issues can be tricky without the right tools.

Luckily, Service Bay offers a comprehensive ticket managing system (in addition to a ton of other helpful features)

With Service Bay, you can easily add and manage all your tickets in one place.

Let’s walk you through our experience (during our six months of testing)

First, we clicked “Create Ticket.” Here’s how the new ticket card looked from our perspective.

Within each card, we were able to easily assign the following information:

SubjectAssigned userMessagePriority

While not the most advanced ticket management in the business, EngageBay keeps it simple and makes it easy to keep track of all your customer queries.

Here’s our table view, which we liked because we could easily view the priority and status of each ticket with just a glance.

However, our preferred view was the grid view, where we could easily drag and drop each card to the appropriate stage in our pipeline.

Here’s our grid view (to give you some context).

All in all, when it comes to ticket management, EngageBay Service Bay doesn’t exactly reinvent the wheel.

What they do accomplish is providing a free, simple, and powerful way to manage all your tickets in one place!


Within the last decade, Chatbots have become increasingly popular and effective tools for providing customer support.

This is why we were excited to test EngageBay’s chatbot feature during our three months of testing.

The good news?

We were impressed with what Service Bay had to offer!

EngageBay Service Bay offers a comprehensive chatbot builder with plenty of features that simplify the customization process.

Let’s go through our creation process.

We started by creating a new bot (shown below).

We could name the bot (Bonfire Bot, in our case) and provide our website URL for the integration process.

From there, we just needed to create some dialogues for the bot. That way, it could respond to customer inquiries. We found this process to be very straightforward and intuitive.

EngageBay provides a range of pre-defined dialogues that we could use and the option to create our own from scratch (which was great).

Here’s a glimpse into our dialogue creation stage of the process.

Once we finalized our dialogues, we simply clicked “Save & Publish,” and our bot was live!

We noticed an immediate increase in customer engagement after integrating our little Bonfire Bot.

Overall, Service Bay provides a comprehensive chatbot builder that’s intuitive and easy to use.

It was great to have our own bot without having to pay for each month of usage, which made it perfect for SMBs and startups with limited budgets.

The icing on the cake was that the entire thing was completely free!

Help Center

A standout feature of EngageBay Service Bay is its dynamic Help Center.

This feature allowed us to create a repository of informative articles for our clients to access, promoting self-service (and reducing the load on our customer service team).

We found the process of creating our help center to be remarkably straightforward and user-friendly:

Navigate to the “Help Center” section in the Service Bay dashboard.Click on “Create Article” to start creating your content.Write or paste your article content into the editor. The editor supports rich text formatting and embedding of multimedia elements to create engaging and helpful how-to articles.Organize your articles into categories for easy navigation. This helps clients quickly find the information they need.Publish the article with a single click. You can also save drafts if you need to come back and finish the article later.The Help Center also supports SEO optimization for each article, helping your knowledge base rank higher in search engine results and increase visibility.

In a nutshell, EngageBay Service Bay’s Help Center feature is a powerful tool for improving customer satisfaction and streamlining your customer service process.

By enabling clients to find answers to their queries independently, it reduces the need for live customer service interactions and saves valuable resources.

Live Chat

EngageBay offers free live chat that’s great for SMBs and startups as it requires no investment.

It provides a real-time, two-way communication channel between customers and customer service reps.

We tested out the live chat feature during our six months of testing and found it to be helpful in providing an instant response to customer queries.

EngageBay Service Bay lets you customize your chat in the following ways:

Customize your greeting and headingSet up automated triggers to display messages when customers land on certain pages of your websiteTrack customer interactions and understand their behavior with the help of detailed analyticsAdd branding such as colors and your company logo

Check out our live chat creation midway through the process.

Within less than 5 minutes, our live chat widget was set up on our website.

This saved our support team a lot of time and allowed our customers to connect with us instantaneously.

In today’s digital landscape, having live chat is a must—and EngageBay provides an impressive offering (at no extra cost).

Canned Responses

Service Bay’s got a secret weapon for support teams: canned response creation. This feature is great for quickly responding to customers without having to type out the same message a hundred times. 

We whipped up a canned response in just a few minutes (that saved time and kept our support game strong).

Here’s how it looked during our testing.


In fact, we were so impressed by this feature that we created many responses (saving our team a ton of time).

Check out a few that we came up with.

We loved that we could do the following with Service Bay:

Customize our canned responses with just one clickPersonalize them with merge tagsCategorize the responses for easy navigation & segmentationTrack each response through EngageBay

Canned responses are a great way to speed up customer service interactions while keeping customers satisfied with helpful answers.

The bottom line: While not the flashiest feature out there, Service Bay’s canned responses saved us a lot of time and energy typing out the same message repeatedly.

Service Automation

Service Bay empowers you to streamline your support team’s workflow by implementing ticket-based automation.

With Service Bay, you can effortlessly create rules and triggers that accomplish a wide range of tasks, such as:

Automatically assign tickets to the right agentSend automatic notifications to customers and team membersTrigger a series of automated responses when certain conditions are met

We found this feature incredibly useful in helping our support team stay organized and efficient.

We’ll walk you through the process (so you can better understand what we’re talking about).

We simply clicked “Create Automation” and named it (pictured below).

Next, we created an event and added the relevant actions and triggers.

Check out the creation process from our perspective.

As you can see, EngageBay keeps it simple, which is what they do best, in our opinion.

They made creating powerful service automation sequences easy (with no coding knowledge needed)!

EngageBay Service Bay Packages

Our Take on EngageBay Service Bay

ServiceBay is completely free, so there’s no need to worry about long-term commitment.
Most of the features are available even with the free plan, so it’s an excellent choice for SMBs and startups just starting out.

Pros and Cons of EngageBay

Let’s go over the pros and cons of EngageBay to give you the full picture.

EngageBay Pros

Powerful client management capabilitiesAffordable, scalable pricing plansMarketing tools to create powerful landing pages & web formsGreat free features such as deal & ticket managementFantastic sales & marketing toolsImpressive reporting & analytics with multiple dashboardsServiceBay is 100% free

EngageBay Cons

The free plan lacks sales & marketing automationLimited calendar viewsNot many lead prospecting capabilities (outside of web forms)

Does EngageBay Have a Free Plan?

Yes, EngageBay offers a free plan that includes the service’s basic features.

The free plan is fantastic for those just starting out or who want to try out the platform (before investing in one of its paid plans).

However, it’s worth noting that some advanced features (such as sales and marketing automation and lead scoring) are not available on the free plan.

EngageBay Mobile App?

Yes, EngageBay offers a well-rounded mobile app that is available on Android and iOS platforms.

We started testing it by downloading it on iOS.

Here are a few things that we really liked about the app:

User-friendly interface: The user interface is clean, intuitive, and easy to navigate, making the app accessible even to individuals who are not particularly tech-savvy.Seamless integration: The mobile app syncs seamlessly with the desktop version, ensuring a uniform experience across all devices.Real-time notifications: The app provides real-time notifications on important updates, keeping you in the loop no matter where you are.Comprehensive feature set: Despite being a mobile app, it manages to pack in all the essential features of the desktop version, ensuring that you can effectively manage your marketing efforts on the go.Reliable performance: The app proved to be reliable during our testing phase, with no noticeable lags or crashes.

EngageBay Integrations

EngageBay seamlessly integrates with various popular business tools, ensuring all your needs are in one place.

Here are some of our favorite integrations that help elevate your EngageBay experience:

Asana: Sync your tasks and projects from Asana to EngageBay, ensuring a streamlined workflow and better project management.Trello: By integrating with Trello, EngageBay can augment your project management with visual boards, lists, and cards. Manage your sales and marketing efforts in conjunction with project progress.WhatsApp: EngageBay’s WhatsApp integration allows for instant communication with your customers. Send notifications, updates, and quick responses directly from the platform.Shopify: If you’re running an eCommerce business, you’ll love the Shopify integration. Track your sales, manage your inventory, and provide excellent customer service, all from your EngageBay dashboard.

The CRM platform is designed to work with the tools you love, making your business operations smooth and efficient.

EngageBay’s integration capability is truly a boon for any business, making it a worthy addition to your toolset.

EngageBay Alternatives

EngageBay CRM is a great option, but it’s not the only one. Here are a few of our favorite alternatives.

Is EngageBay Worth it for SMBs?

EngageBay is absolutely worth it for SMBs across the board! It’s easy to use, affordable, and offers an all-in-one solution that’s tough to beat for small businesses.

In fact, it’s one of our favorite CRM solutions specifically tailored to the needs of small and medium-sized businesses.

So what are you waiting for? Try it out with their free forever plan today!

The post EngageBay Pricing Guide 2023: Best Bang for Your Buck? appeared first on Small Business Bonfire.

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