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By Vinayak Shrivastav

As Gen Zers come of age, their unique behaviours and preferences emerge, setting them apart from the erstwhile generations. Gen Z’s online presence is strong, and their purchasing power continues to grow. YouTube is their top platform, with 88% of Gen Z individuals spending their time there, followed by Instagram and TikTok. Video content is highly engaging and easily shareable, making it ideal for connecting with Gen Z and their peer groups. Broadcasters are adapting their strategies to better engage and recognize that success in reaching this generation is crucial. There has been a transition from the Information Age to the Intelligence Age and Gen Zers have posed a strong presence making strong distributaries of generative AI. With a commendable chunk of Gen Z already amalgamating into the workforce, most of them are well-disposed to AI, they are in fact reshaping creativity with automation in almost all industries.

The Internet Babies- 

Gen Z, the first generation of true digital natives, has grown up alongside the internet and spends a significant amount of time-consuming streaming content. Gen Z, unlike previous generations, has never known a time without the convenience of accessing relevant information anytime and anywhere through smart devices. They have grown up with social media and e-commerce platforms that have been ingrained in their lives since their formative years. These platforms apply AI algorithms to deliver personalised content and targeted advertisements. The KPMG research shows  Gen Z trust and embraces suggestions of AI more than other generations.

This generation perceives the integration of AI into UGC influencer marketing as a promising blend of technological innovation and social influence. It empowers them to actively participate in shaping the narratives and trends that define their generation. By harnessing the power of AI and UGC, Gen Z believes that brands and influencers can create content that is more authentic, engaging, and relatable, aligning with their evolving values and aspirations. Through the utilization of AI, Gen Z sees an opportunity to elevate the quality and reach of UGC. AI-powered algorithms can analyze extensive amounts of user-generated content, identifying trends, preferences, and patterns that strongly resonate with their generation. This capability enables broadcasters, brands, and influencers to develop targeted and authentic content that aligns precisely with the interests and values of this group.

Gen Z brigade being digital natives is fully immersed in technology and is increasingly harnessing the power of generative AI in diverse ways. They actively utilise generative AI to create and share content on social media platforms, including the generation of unique images, videos, and memes. In the fields of art and music, Gen Z explores the potential of generative AI, experimenting with AI-generated compositions and visual artworks. Moreover, in gaming, generative AI plays a significant role, enabling AI algorithms to generate dynamic and immersive game experiences. Broadcasters are also integrating generative AI to enhance content creation, personalise experiences, and engage their audience effectively. Gen Zers’ embrace of generative AI reflects their inclination towards using it as a tool for creativity, self-expression, and entertainment, continuously pushing the boundaries of what is achievable in the digital world.

Research indicates visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text, effectively capturing attention and conveying information. Gen Zers benefit from concise videos that provide actual content. Incorporating AI into e-learning enables personalised tracking, eliminating extra time on understood concepts and offering additional lessons as needed. Thinkster Math utilises AI and human interaction for customised learning.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is driving a significant transformation in the broadcast industry, bringing about data-driven decision-making, operational efficiency, and enhanced viewer experiences through machine learning algorithms. This technology has become an essential component for success in the digital era. As AI advances, its applications in broadcasting and other industries will become even more innovative, revolutionizing the way media companies operate. The rise of AI in 2023 signifies not only the advancement of machines but also the proliferation of machine learning. This presents exciting prospects, especially in meeting the unique preferences and demands of the Gen Z audience, further shaping the future of broadcasting.

Gen Z as we see it “Empowered minds, Infinite options”

Generation Z, the first generation to grow up completely immersed in the internet and digital technology, holds a unique perspective on the potential of technology to address challenges, foster connections, and kindle creativity. The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has already made a considerable impact across various industries, including healthcare, finance, education, and transportation. As Gen Z prepares to enter the workforce, they are poised to leverage the power of AI and propel the next wave of innovation and disruption. With their deep understanding of the digital landscape, Gen Z is well-equipped to lead discussions on ethics, privacy, and transparency surrounding AI, shaping future policies and governance. By embracing these changes and gaining expertise in areas like data analysis, machine learning, and customer experience design, Gen Z positions themselves for success in an AI-powered economy.

The author is co -founder, CEO,Videoverse

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