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The UAE is quickly growing into a global technology
hub, capturing the attention of Asian tech professionals. A recent survey by reveals that 81% of Asian tech experts view the UAE
as an increasingly important tech destination. With nearly half expressing a willingness to
relocate there, the UAE is surpassing traditional favorites like Germany and
Hong Kong in appeal.

UAE’s Growing Tech Appeal

The survey, conducted across Singapore, Hong Kong,
Vietnam, and India, highlights the UAE’s attractive status in the tech
industry. This emerging reputation is driving a noticeable shift in tech talent
preferences. The UAE’s supportive government policies and favorable
business environment are key factors contributing to its growing appeal. 76% of respondents believe the UAE offers a conducive
environment for tech development.

The region is now a prime relocation destination for
tech professionals, competing closely with traditional tech hotspots such as
Singapore and the UK. While 46% of respondents are eyeing Singapore and 57% the
UK, the UAE’s 45% is a noteworthy figure, indicating a significant rise in its

Commenting about the findings, Tarik Chebib, the CEO
of, Middle East, mentioned: “With 8 in 10 respondents from our
recent survey recognizing the UAE as a competitive tech hub, it’s clear that
the region is gaining momentum as a favorable destination for tech

“Asia’s tech professionals have traditionally
gravitated to cities in the UK, the US, and Singapore to further their careers,
so it’s encouraging to see the UAE stand shoulder-to-shoulder with this cohort
and get the recognition it deserves as an attractive location to live and

Government Support

The survey also emphasized the critical role of
government support in enhancing the UAE‘s tech industry profile. A staggering
93% of respondents highlighted the importance of having a supportive
government, which aligns with the UAE’s focused efforts to nurture its tech

Key aspects such as advanced banking systems, visa
provisions, and high-quality healthcare are viewed positively by tech
professionals, further solidifying the UAE’s position as a desirable relocation

The potential for the UAE to attract and retain top
tech talent is substantial. With 47% of respondents actively seeking
relocation, the UAE could be well-positioned to harness this interest and continue
its trajectory as a leading tech destination.

Early this year, opened a new regional headquarters in the UAE. This initiative aligned with the firm’s participation
in the country’s NextGenFDI initiative to attract digital businesses to the region.

This article was written by Jared Kirui at


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